Ten Considerations For Better Communication with Clients

Oct 6, 2023 | Guides

Ten Considerations For Better Communication with Clients image

Financial advisors have to master many skills. Some are hard skills – core competencies and knowledge required to provide financial advice – which are not easy to learn but are well-defined and generally the same from person to person. Soft skills, on the other hand, such as effectively conversing and communicating with clients, are more challenging to define and vary significantly depending on the individual. Details such as the kinds and types of small talk, what analogies and language to use and what to avoid, or how deep into the nuance of the markets to go may differ wildly from client to client. As a relationship-focused advisor, your approach, behavior, and style should then adjust from meeting to meeting. 

This guide explores some tactics for building a communication foundation that enables a flexible approach to customer success, meeting them where they are, and having conversations that efficiently convey the critical information they need. This will inspire confidence and increase customer satisfaction, leading to more business and happier clients.

  1. Active Listening: The Foundation of Understanding

One of the most crucial skills in financial advising is active listening. Clients want to be heard and understood. When meeting with a client, put away distractions, maintain eye contact, and give them your full attention. This shows respect and gives you a better understanding of their financial goals, concerns, and values. Ask open-ended questions and encourage them to express themselves.

  1. Speak Plainly: Avoid Jargon

Finance can be a maze of complex terminology. To improve communication, steer clear of jargon and use plain language. Explain financial concepts in simple terms that your clients can grasp quickly. Remember, it’s not about showcasing your expertise; it’s about ensuring that your clients comprehend their financial situation and options.

  1. Set Clear Expectations: Define Roles and Responsibilities

Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of both you, the advisor, and your client. Explain what services you provide and what they can expect from you. Likewise, outline your expectations for them regarding providing you with information, making decisions, and adhering to the financial plan. This sets a clear framework and minimizes misunderstandings.

  1. Regular Updates: Keep Clients Informed

Communication should be more than quarterly reports or annual reviews. Regularly update your clients about their portfolio performance and relevant market developments. Schedule periodic check-ins to discuss any changes in their financial situation, risk tolerance, or life goals. Being proactive demonstrates your commitment to their financial well-being.

  1. Understand Risk Tolerance: Tailor Recommendations

Every client has a unique risk tolerance level. Conduct a thorough risk assessment to ensure your advice aligns with their comfort zone. Understand their willingness and ability to withstand market fluctuations. Tailor your investment recommendations accordingly and regularly revisit their risk profile as circumstances evolve.

  1. Transparency Builds Trust: Share Fees and Costs

Financial advisors should be transparent about fees and costs. Clients should know how much they pay for your services and associated expenses. Explain the impact of fees on their investment returns and provide a breakdown of costs. Transparency builds trust and helps clients make informed decisions.

  1. Visual Aids: Simplify Complex Data

Numbers and charts can be overwhelming for clients. Utilize visual aids like graphs and charts to simplify complex financial data – a tool like CircleBlack can make this quick and easy. Visual representations can make it easier for clients to grasp key information and trends, aiding in better decision-making.

  1. Empathy and Emotional Support: Acknowledge Feelings

Financial decisions often carry emotional weight. Acknowledge your clients’ emotions and be empathetic. Whether they’re excited about a financial milestone or anxious during market turbulence, lend a sympathetic ear. Showing that you understand their emotional journey can strengthen your client-advisor bond.

  1. Digital Tools: Embrace Technology

In today’s digital age, utilize technology to enhance communication. Secure client portals and mobile apps can provide easy access to account information and communication channels. Consider using video conferencing for remote meetings, making it more convenient for clients to connect with you.

  1. Education: Empower Clients

Education is a powerful tool for improving communication. Educate your clients about financial concepts, investment strategies, and market dynamics. The more they understand, the more confident they’ll feel in making informed decisions. Consider hosting workshops or providing educational materials.

In conclusion, effective communication is at the heart of a successful financial advisor-client relationship. By actively listening, speaking plainly, setting clear expectations, and implementing these tactics, you can enhance your communication skills and, ultimately, help your clients achieve their financial goals. Remember, it’s not just about managing their money; it’s about guiding them toward financial security and peace of mind.

If you’re looking for more ideas on how to improve customer satisfaction, check out the blog by CircleBlack’s own head of Customer Success, Matt Volkovic. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further guidance on improving communication with your clients!

This material has been prepared for educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide, and should not be relied upon for, investment, accounting, legal, or tax advice.

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